Toronto Wedding Dance Lessons
Dancing is suppose to be fun and exciting, it is meant to spice up you life, enjoy it, start early. Find out what is possible. After the conversation with us you’ll feel be better informed and have some time to think about what you might want to do.
If your Wedding is next year…
Toronto Wedding Dance Lessons is the way to go.
Considering how people move, what their sensibilities are, what hobbies they do for fun, if they play sports, what kind of music they like – their “predisposition” for dancing will be different, and different families of dancing will fall within their “comfort zone”… or not.
If you’re below average height, like up-bit Latin Jazz and are an avid basketball player there is much higher chance Salsa will feel natural to you, than lets say an English Waltz. Waltz will resonate with a tall couple with less movement in their life, and if they like orchestral music – well that could be a match made in heaven.
And despite all the youtube videos you might watch, you won’t know, until you give it a shot.
Sign up for a general course that will give you a taste of 3 basic forms: The Swing Form, the Latin Form and the Standard Form. Or do an intro level in each one. Ether way spend first 6 months going to various classes and you’ll have the best chance to get things going when it actually comes time to make decisions about what to dance for your First Dance.
Check out our “Sky is the limit” section or give us a shout for a conversation about what is possible.